Sunday, June 23, 2024

Colour Therapy

A couple of days past the solstice of winter here in the Southern Hemisphere, things have been pretty cold—sunny days before rain is due, but some very cold nights. So at this time of year I thought it would be nice to post an absolute contrast, a spring photo . This blossom is on a tree in the front garden, frame grabbed on the 8th of September, 2017. Basic tweaks only. Fuji FinePix S5600. Image by Mike.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Roman Corner

I’m sure there’s a wealth of history about this exhibit at the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, London, but I think of it simply as ”Roman Corner.” One walks through here between one part of the classically-appointed museum and another, but this particular area recreates ancient times—the statue is probably original, and the marble probably all comes from Italy. If you look in the right direction for a moment, you could be two thousand years ago, in a well-to-do house of a lost civilisation. I took this photograph on November 1st, 2010, my one and only (to date) visit to this amazing museum. Contrast and colour were increased a little, as was sharpness. Fuji FinePix S5600. Image by Mike.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Glittering Waters

The sun broke through and made merry with these fountains, so they were recorded from multiple perspectives. These are the fountains in Hyde Park, London, photographed on November 2nd, 2010. This was my second day in England on that trip, and I took a walk through Hyde Park from the north side, down to the Albert Memorial and Hall, taking in the Serpentine, the sky mirrors, the Peter Pan statue and more. I have a few other frames from this batch that are well worth a look. Colour and contrast were tweaked—the day was generally overcast and fully embodied the different quality the light has in those latitudes at that time of year, such a marked contrast to here in Australia. Fuji FinePix S5600. Image by Mike.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Depth Perspective

Here is an interesting telephoto depth compression. This is the Adelaide city centre seen at max zoom from the gardens of the Carrick Hill mansion in Springfield, above town, taken on January 25th, 2023. It was a pleasant, warm afternoon, just right for a picnic in the grounds, and the gardens were wonderfully photogenic. Views out over the city and sea certainly underline why the well-to-do would choose to build up there. This shot was simple enough, it was the lineup of the foreground foliage and the nine kilometres-distant city towers that cried out to be captured. The image was squared-up using the fine rotation tool. Minor adjustment to contrast, colour and sharpness. Fuji FinePix S5600. Image by Mike.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Deceptively Mild

I only posted three images in May—I meant to do four, so I’ll make sure there’s at least five in June. This is the jetty at Brighton, South Australia, photographed on November 24th, 2014. I’ve featured a frame or two from this shoot before, as the changeable conditions were most interesting. Looking north, it seemed like a perfect early summer day, and west, like this one, was still bright and clear. Looking into the south-west, a heavy weather front was moving in, creating dramatic iron greys behind the sunlit foreground. This is a simple snapshot, but the colour and vanishing point symmetry are pleasing, and the shoot is an ever-fresh reminder of a day nearly a decade ago. Minor adjustment to contrast, colour and sharpness. Fuji FinePix S5600. Image by Mike.